Cleanliness is half nobility, the old saying goes, something that applies to everything. Of course, when this proverb was first heard, they did not have sex toys in mind, but as everything evolves, so do the proverbs take on a different flow and twist. So what is the ideal and appropriate way to clean up our favorite toys?
Sure, we will never see an expiration date on a sex toy package, but if we do not take care of them and “maintain” them properly sooner or later we will have to say goodbye. However, the reason we should clean our toys properly is not only for their maintenance but of course also for hygiene reasons.
After the unboxing
You have just returned home from your visit to your favorite sex shop or you have just received the package you have been waiting for so long. Do not rush to do the test drive, you have a job in front of you. If your toy already contains batteries, it would be good to remove them, close the lid tightly and disinfect it. We have to suggest you the most modern machine for complete sterilization and extermination of any kind of germ or bacterium that you will surely love from the very first test. If you still prefer more traditional ways then white alcohol is the solution you are looking for.
Proper maintenance
You can clearly have in your mind the image of the beloved Samantha from Sex & The City who always had a sex toy in the drawer of her nightstand for the … difficult hours, but do not forget that this was done for the needs of the film, as this may be fatal in real life.
Our toys and especially those made of silicone should be stored in shady and cool places. Ideally, we can wrap them with a towel or get fabric pouches, something that will give a feeling of extra care and treatment. Think about your partner when he sees your so careful collection!
During use
If we are talking about a vibrator or a toy in a phallic shape then the use of a condom is possible and even necessary I dare say. However, even in this you have to be careful as the material of the condom must be compatible with that of your toy. Take a look at our collection of condoms to choose the right one.
And we move on to lubricants! This is also a difficult case! Did you know that lubricants are not the same for every toy? If not here’s the time to know it before you do any big mistake! The packaging of each toy usually lists the types of lubricant you can use. And if it does not say so, do not worry at all because the packaging of the lubricants definitely says it. Here you will find all kinds of lubricants in all forms.
After use
And since the toy did its miraculous job and gave you the orgasms you so desperately needed, do not rush to turn around and go to sleep. You after a magical night do not want to go under the shower and enjoy the feeling of water and cleanliness? And your toy needs exactly the same, cleanliness. And how will this happen; In many ways. First, be sure to rinse your toy thoroughly, basing on even the smallest notch using lukewarm water and a pH-neutral soap. Next, make sure you have a special cleaner for your toys.
So our toys also need their own attention and care. Do not neglect it. Here you will find our entire collection of cleaners to keep them like new and keep away any unwanted germ